The Goodest of All Times

September 11, 2021

   So,on the way to my daily visit to Home Goods last week, I heard someone screaming"Help me."  Being the calm person that I am, I immediatelyscanned the street thinking someone was being kidnapped and forced into acar.  Instead, there was an old lady laying in the middle of the street,with two men hovering over her. 

   I ran over and held her hand, rubbing herfoot, at which time a bystander  cameover and said "Oh, don't rub her foot, she has a big gash there and isbleeding from it."  The woman on the street was Eleanor O'Connor andshe  was 89 years' old and was walking to her sister, Mary Healey's,home.  Eleanor just kept asking me not to leave her and asked that I tellher sister what had happened. 

   So, after the ambulance took Eleanor toSouth Nassau, I drove to Mary Healey's house to tell her what happened to hersister.  Well, Mary is from the Bronx, has four children, moved here in1995.....and all the while I was going to be late for Alan and Casi's surpriseparty for both families celebrating their engagement.  So Mary called me afew times. Eleanor has no broken bones but had stitches...a man making a righton a red light ran over her feet and knocked her down while she was in thecrosswalk. 

   So what is the moral of this story?????Don't go to Home Goods if your son is getting engaged.

                                               MaryGordon Murphy

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